Hosted Exchange


Microsoft Exchange is the world’s leading platform for unifying a business’s email, calendar and contacts.

So what is “hosted”?

In the past, Microsoft Exchange was deployed on-premises. This meant you needed to buy a server, pay for licenses, and hire an IT person to install and maintain it.

With Hosted Exchange, your Exchange server is installed and managed in the cloud, as a service, with no fees upfront. You get all the functionality of Exchange with none of the overhead. South Wales Computer Repairs performs all installation, maintenance, upgrade and support activities on your behalf for a set monthly fee.

The cloud vs. on-premises

There are a dozen reasons to move into the cloud—from saving capital to lowering power bills to improving the reliability of your systems.

Exchange vs. Outlook: What’s the difference?

Many people think Exchange and Outlook are synonymous. They’re not. Outlook is the program you use on your computer to access your email, calendar and contacts—which is powered by Exchange. And while you can actually use virtually any email client with Exchange, Exchange unlocks Outlook’s most sophisticated productivity features.

Big British Mailboxes with Safe Harbour.125gb

All of our mailboxes come with 125Gb of storage, thats 100Gb more than Google, with all data securely stored in multiple locations in the UK.

Our Hosted Exchange complies with the European Safe Harbour Ruling in October 2015.

Safe Harbour origianlly ensured that European citizen’s personal data could be transferred to US soil and held by a US company while retaining the same protection as if it were still based in Europe on European owned systems.
The European court of justice’s ruling in October 2015 declared the agreement “unsafe”, given that the US Government reserves the right to access any data stored by US Companies, regardless of its origin or physical location.

So if its important to you where you store your data you should carefully consider which cloud service you use.